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Uiverse is the graduation project of Herman Vaneeckhout realized in the academic year 2017-2018, under supervision of Alexis Jacoby (Product development UA) and Steven Vindevogel (Barco). The challenge was to improve the quality and consistency of Barco's user interfaces. The result is a digital platform that guides and supports teams during the UI development process. This through a methodology supported by a collection of essential tools, guidelines, and databases.


The backbone of the platform is the ‘process map’. The process map is a multifaceted approach to UI development within an accessible, step-by-step methodology. Five phases iteratively involve the end-user for co-creation and validation. A list of ‘essentials’ support the employees in team, and individually, during all phases of the UI development process. By providing and supporting this complete methodology, the platform enables a thoroughly executed process, a better group dynamic, an increase in efficiency, a consistent experience, satisfied customers, and a better performance business-wise.


The process map is supported by three main pillars: tools, guidelines, and libraries. They assist the employee in completing the essential steps for each phase of the process. The tools help the employee with going through the steps qualitatively during, e.g., prototyping and user research. The libraries make it possible to reuse work, and build knowledge. The guidelines serve as a reference for safeguarding consistency and quality.

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