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‘The Loop’ by RetailDetail challenged us to find innovations for the future of retail.


From excessive retail observation we discovered following problem:

Technology stores like Media Markt have a huge range of products, for smartphones only you can choose between dozens. Features and prices are each individually listed. Customers are often not sure how to make the best choice. Having to wait for an available shop assistant for (subjective) advice increases the unpleasant experience.


We developed a solution called Rev’App.

We want to integrate a platform in the product shelve where customers can efficiently evaluate their options on an interactive screen. The customer selects the price range and/or other criteria, and *poof* all relevant products show up on the screen. Product features, price and score are listed in a clear chart. This enables the customer to make a decision faster, and leave the store more satisfied.


We developed an application for tablet, which we placed in a test environment for several weeks (technology store Goethals). Both the shop assistants and the users were enthusiastic about the potential of the product.


Teamwork with Bart Sintobin and Eckhart Cossey.



Module Product&Use 3rd bachelor Industrial Product Design 2014.

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