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International Intensive Program 2014


During an international 2 weeks intensive program in Cardiff Metropolitan University we were challenged to create a product or service that would improve the bad economic and social condition of the people living in Merthyr Tydfil - Wales.

Since the closing of the mines in the 1930s the citizens have lost hope in their future. The area has to cope with the biggest unemployment in the UK, high level of drug & alcohol abuse and a lot of other issues concerning poverty and well being.


After concluding that the vast majority of people in even the poorest communities own a smartphone, my team and I developed an application concept to inspire, ‘Trigger’ the people of Merthyr.


The application consists of a list of psychological questions in combination with brain games that collect information about the user. This information, -your psychological profile- is processed and linked to an interest field/ work sector you might be talented at or interested in.

The app links you further to workshops, literature, education, job openings, etc. in the area.

We hope that by exposing peoples unknown interests/talents and giving them the opportunity to practice/learn about them triggers people into a new experience, hobby, passion, life goal, business, job.


The potential of our project goes far beyond the valleys of Merthyr Tydfil. The app could be used to inspire anybody, anywhere.



International teamwork
Huw Hopkins (Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales) student product design (picture: first on the right)
Rebecca Sydra (Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales) student product design (picture: 2nd on the right)
Serban Cordea (UBB, Romania) student psychology (not on the picture)
Herman Vaneeckhout (Howest, Belgium) student industrial product design (picture: first on the left)





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